Friday, December 25, 2015

STEM Fair Topics

** The following are the STEM Fair topics I receive on December 18th (due date). If your child's name is not on this list, I did not receive one from him/her. S/he received a zero for the first part of the STEM Fair project. Individual STEM Fair projects will start after Winter break. STEM Fair books and timeline will be sent home in Monday folders. Thank you. 

Nauman’s Class
No STEM TOPIC- MaKaila, Evan, Krystal, Bryce, Alyssa, Reginald
Waiting for topic to be turned into a question-Hayden
Which environmental pollutant, motor oil or used antifreeze has the greatest effect on plants?-Jordyn
Does the head of a bristle bot affect how fast it goes?-Jonathan
Does a plant grow best in sunlight or artificial light?- Taliyah
Does the type of water affect the growth of plants?-Countess
Which type of container keeps liquids hotter longer?- Joella
Do different watt light bulbs produce different amounts of heat?- Joshua
Does the different color light affect the growth of a plant?- Jasmine, Nevaeh
Does the material of a parachute affect how fast it drops?- Christian, Mitchell
Does recycled paper break down faster than newspaper?- Anjae
Does color affect the rate in which an ice cube melts?- Marty, Jerome
What materials melt an ice cube most efficiently?-Michael
Does the temperature of an area affect crystal growth?-Tylee
Does music affect plant growth?-Jaerel
What type of liquid will absorb the carnation the fastest?- Erielle
Do all liquids freeze at the same rate?-Wesley
What is the probability of reaching into a bin and selecting a particular color of M&M candy?- Robert

Kirchner’s Class
Do all liquids freeze at the same rate?-Mason
What is the probability of reaching into a bin and selecting a particular color of M&M candy?- Lacey
What material makes the best heat insulator?-Cristian, Destiny
Do all liquids freeze at the same rate?-Chris, Daija
Does iron rust faster in salt or fresh water?-Trinity
Which building design best withstands an earthquake?- Jesus
Does temperature affect the growth of sugar/or salt crystals?-Arielle
Does inflated basketballs bounce better than non-inflated basketballs?- Jordan, Taraun, Jayden B.
Do vitamins or fertilizers affect the growth of plants?-Rayna
What effects do the changes in the length of day and night have on household plants?-LeBarron
Does music affect plant growth?-Zackariah
What design shape supports a bridge the best?-Alayna
Do beans grow better in clay, sand, or potting soil?-Jadon E.
What are the most common sums of two dice when rolled?-Annabelle, Matthew
Do different color of light affect the growth of plants?- Kayla, Norlynn
Do heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones?-Lorena
How fast will gobstoppers dissolve in Sprite, vinegar, and water?-Tayla
How much garbage does your family produce over a month and what percentage is recycled or could be recycled?-Cameron
Does the area of a parachute affect how fast it falls?-Danny
Does hot water freeze at a different rate than cold water?-Maryah

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


We would like to thank all the parents who donated treats for our holiday party! The kids enjoyed it and were "sugared up". We hope you all have a safe and happy holiday. Enjoy your time with family and friends. We will see your child in the new year.  Thank you again for your continued support:0) We are grateful for such concerned and involved parents. 

Mrs. Kirchner and Mrs. Nauman:0)
Today, Mrs. Naumen's homeroom signed up for their day to present their Revolutionary War character.
Their poster is due on the day they present.


MaKaila Luellen
Wesley Wilson
Nevaeh Chew
Jordyn DeVille


Michael Martin
Joella Smith
Jerome Owens
Hayden Miller


Marty Walcott
Krystal Bryant
Robert Richardson
Christian Tibuni


Alyssa Field
Bryce Elaizier
Jasmine Griffin
Tylee Moore


Mitchell Hood
Countess Gordon
RJ Williams
Joshua Whitaker


Evan Quiroz
Taliyah Battle
Anjae Scott
Jonathan Collins


Erielle Smith
Jaerel Reyes

Monday, December 21, 2015

Social Studies Presentation

Today, Mrs. Kirchner's homeroom signed up for their day to present their Revolutionary War character. Mrs. Naumen's homeroom will sign up tomorrow!
Their poster is due on the day they present.

Jayden Bury
Cameron Blanding
Cristian Bowman
Jadon Evans

Chris Sanders
Rayna Martin
Maryah Wimbush
Norlynn Broadnax

Lacey Banks
LeBarron Gordon
Matthew Collier
Daija Allen

Danny Castano
Jesus Berlanga
Riley Ruiz
Taraun Carey

Mason Samuels
Jordan Madden
Alayna Pratt
Tayla Lawton

Lorena Robles
Destiny Wright
Walter Higdon
Arielle DeVille

Trinity Battle
Annabelle Hupp
Kayla Ambris

Friday, December 18, 2015

Holiday Party

Thank you to those parents who are able to donate to our holiday party on Tuesday, December 22, 2015. We had some parents ask what else we are in need of.  There are 26 scholars in Mrs. Nauman's class and 28 in Mrs. Kirchner's class.

So far, we have
Plates, Napkins, Capri Sun and cookies

Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Mrs. Kirchner and Mrs. Nauman

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Class STEM Fair (Mrs. Nauman)


In Science, we have been conducting an in class STEM Fair project. I taught all 7 parts (Question, Hypothesis, Materials, Procedures, Variables, Results, Conclusion) of a STEM Fair project to scholars which will help when they start their own individual STEM projects after winter break. The "rough drafts" of each of these sections were taught in class and written in scholar's science journals. Each night, scholars are to rewrite it as a "final draft" and place it on their "trifold boards" in the correct place. In the end they will have a model of what a Science STEM Fair board looks like and where to place each section. If you have any questions, I have all the data charts and a model class STEM Fair board in my classroom that you may come and view at any time. The final trifold board is due this Monday, December 14, 2015
We will be working on the parts of a research paper next in class. Please don't hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. I know as a parent and a teacher, STEM projects are intimidating; however, I will not give your child anything I have not taught in class. 

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Important Dates for next week

Important Dates for next week
  • Thursday, December 10, 2015: Governing Board Meeting 4:00PM (media center) 
  • Wednesday, December 16, 2015: Winter Concert: Grades K-3 9:00AM  Grades 3-8 6:00PM 
  • Base Caroling (room to room): December 18, 2015: 12:30PM-1:15PM  (arrival times to rooms will begin in the blue hallway and proceed to the red side)  

Social Studies Research packet

I wanted to clarify the Research Paper Scaffold packet. This packet was discussed in detail with each class. It is to be used to assist in writing their Social Studies research paper. This is not a homework assignment. The students were instructed to use this in order to help them with their planning and organizing for their final paper. The second page will prove especially helpful. The students can use this page to help with their note taking. They can keep track of all the books and websites that they are using. They are able to write important facts from what they have read, as well as a summary of the notes that were found. This summarizing will help them to avoid accidental plagiarism. I would like to see their thinking and their organization. If they use any of the packet, I would like for them to turn it in with their paper, or with their poster board after winter break. Again, this is not a required assignment. The packet is simply for them to use in order to help organize their thinking and research!
Mrs. Kirchner

Monday, December 7, 2015

Important Information

Field Trip
Just a friendly reminder the field trip permission slip for January 15th was sent home again in your child's Monday folder. Please check this so if you would like to attend, you can sign and return to your child's teacher.

Scholastic Book Orders
Scholastic Book Orders were sent home for the month of December. All orders will be submitted on December 22nd! Mrs. Nauman's class code is JKKPC  and Mrs. Kirchner's class code is P7J6L if you would like to place an order online. Scholars who ordered this month received a James Patterson incentive and Snoopy erasers. Thank you to all who ordered. It is very much appreciated.

Parent Volunteers
We are in need of parent volunteers for the month of December. We need volunteers for door decorating for our upcoming BOX TOPS SNOWBALL FIGHT, which will start when we return from winter break.
We could always use assistance with filing, copying, etc. Please email Mrs. Kirchner or me to let us know what day or time works best for you. Thank you for your continued support and assistance.

We are in need of donations for our winter party on December 22nd.
*Any food donations need to be store bought.
Capri Suns
Chips (Sun chips, etc.)

We will be starting our independent STEM Fair projects after winter break. Scholars will have to select a topic prior to winter break. Due dates will be distributed once they are established by 3-5th grade team. Thank you.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Clarification on Upcoming Field Trip

There has been some questions regarding the upcoming field trip at the Housing Center. The field trip is a cooking class demonstration and the purpose(objective) is to promote healthy eating. The cost is $13.00. The cost is for the food for each scholar to prepare and then eat. Scholars will also receive their own salsa to take home and/or eat during lunch. 
There is also a typo in the year. At the top right of the permission slip, it states 1/15/15. It is supposed to read 1/15/16. I hope this provides clarification.
If you give permission for your child to participate in this field trip, please return a signed permission slip and the money in an envelope with your child's name. It will make it easier for Mrs. Kirchner and me to keep track of everyone who paid. Thank you for your continued support in Fourth Grade. :0)